silent reader[s]
you ended my heartbeat,too..

Thursday 19 April 2012

assalamualaikum dan bismillahirrahmanirrahim

ya orang2 kampung sekalian, ini hari wa buat blog testing untuk menguji keupayaan wa mengubahsuai n memporak perandakan blogskin. uoll just wait n see jer la apa yg bakal terjadi kat blog nie, sumpah wa cakap lu akan buroklah blog ini dikemudian hari. lau cantik tue boleh la wa membangga banggakan diri. wakaka. 

now lets setarrt, aku nak memgoogle cara2 membuat onar or yang sebenar benarnyer cara2 membuat blogskin.  okeyhh bahbay, jumpa di padang masyar okeyh.


" She’s a lil girl,
living in her perfect world
Until the bad guy come,
and tore everything apart.."

5 in the morning.
you rang
" sry babe, after this 3 hours, I thought, it's better for us to seperate our diff. lifes.. m sry."
It ended.
You end everything with "m sry".
Not only ending this relationship
you ended a me
my heartbeat
my world.
I'm holding back the tears..
I don't want myself to look so dumb, so lamentable..
& now, there's nth i could do to bring u back to me.

Tagboard here.

the sites.
chili.| chili.| chili. | chili.| chili. chili. | chili.| chili.| chili. | chili. chili.| chili. | chili.| chili.| chili.

April 2012

imeem .
1 song Playing ♥
worlds apart by The Veronicas

Designer : Chili.
x o x o